Good morning! WOW!! It has been awhile since I've been here. Yes I, the scrappy blogger, have been MIA!
SO WHERE have I been and WHAT have I been doing??? Well, in an email Denise sent out earlier you might remember her mentioning how her slaves were helping her out this year... well, UM, I think I have been enlisted!!! I don't mind!! I love it :) I have 4 classes to teach on Friday this year... I've been working on A Year In One Night kits, and kitting for 2 of my own classes here at home! So THAT is what I have been doing! So let's see, that is 6 classes, and 12 layouts!! Yep, guess I might have a few things to do ... and
ONLY 32 DAYS TO DO IT!!! *I'm not gonna panic, I'm not gonna panic!!! * But I'm over half way there... that is the good news!!
I'm up to my neck in paper, stickers, layouts, ribbon, boxes, and just about anything else that will fit in my scrap room!!
Hmmm, where do I start?
If you are coming to the Extravaganza this year and don't have your ticket bought yet...THEN YOU BETTER HURRY!!!!!!!!!!
New product is coming in and Denise has been busier than ever! With all that and planning for the Extravaganza too, time you see her you might just THANK HER for doing all she does!
And she has the full time job of SPOILING her new babies!! I was at The Attic a couple of weeks ago and I got my chance to play with little Gage for a bit. He is such a sweet little guy! They are really blessed!!
OK, I could talk about babies all day long, but back to some SCRAPPY stuff :)
Did you know that we are ONLY 1 MONTH AND 2 DAYS from the EXTRAVAGANZA!!?? That is 32 DAYS???? They are working hard at The Attic to make this Extravaganza a great one for us! Denise says this will be such a good one this year! I think the goodie bags will be fantastic and there may even be a trick or two up her sleeve!! Extras? Hmmm.... maaaybe? We'll just have to wait and see! Me included- I can't get her to spill the beans about
anything... it is all
TOP SECRET!!! But hey, we all love surprises, don't we??
I didn't realize it, but
October is a busy month!! All the
fall festivals going on at schools and churches, hayrides and parent teacher conferences... and getting ready for the
Extravaganza, then
HALLOWEEN!! WOW! My head is spinning!! But it will all be worth it! I have 2 boys in our Fall Festival this year and that will be a new thing for me as neither one have been in anything like that before. YES, you know I'll HAVE to post pictures to brag to all of ya'll out there.... Not brag, um, be proud of!! ;)
Just wanted to bring some updates to you and check back in since it has been ahwile. I've got to get back to my SLAVING- ha ha!! Forgive me if I don't update as often as I really am covered up with things to do.
On a sad note, Denise lost her grandmother on Wednesday evening. I know they were very close and she will be missed terribly. Please keep Denise and her family in your prayers.
Lisa, from The Attic.......